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Paella Pans from HOT WOK


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Simpel Wok for everyone!

Try HOT WOK and explore flavorful Stir-Fry delights with endless variations.


  • Lammekrone

    Asian lamb crown with new potatoes

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Simpel Wokrecipes - Wok Cuisine - flavorful Stir-Fry felights with endless variations

Wok, the round-bottomed pot originating from the Far East, has given rise to the well-known rounded wok. While the wok itself is quite spacious, it is often the wok pan version that graces Danish kitchens. If your kitchen equipment collection doesn't yet include a wok, you can successfully use a regular sauté pan or frying pan. Another term for wok dishes is "Stir Fry," as the method typically involves frying a mixture of vegetables, meat, and spices in a pan.

The basic recipe for a traditional wok dish is quite simple: coarsely chopped vegetables and strips of meat are fried and often mixed with a tasty, Asian-inspired sauce, such as sweet and sour sauce or the like. Wok dishes are typically served with rice, which can be served on the side, or noodles that are cooked with meat and vegetables in the wok. With a wok, you can create dishes in countless variations, depending on your preferences for vegetables, meat, and spices. Meat choices often include chicken, beef, and lean pork, cut into strips. At hotwok.com, you'll find plenty of inspiration for your wok meals with different types of meat – just take a look below, where we've gathered some of our best recipes.


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