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Asian lamb crown with new potatoes

Asian lamb crown with new potatoes

For 4 persons. 

  • 1 kg lamb crown.
  • 1 kg new pre-cooked potatoes.
  • 1.5 dl whisky (optional)
  • 10 cloves of garlic
  • 2 organic limes
  • 16 tbsp teriyaki sauce
  • 1 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 4 tsp cumin
  • 4 large fresh sprigs of rosemary

Start by roughly chopping the garlic.

Heat a paella pan with olive oil, and when it's hot, add garlic, rosemary, and the lamb crown. When the lamb is lightly browned, pour whisky over it and ignite it to flambe.

While the lamb is cooking, mix teriyaki sauce, cayenne pepper, cumin, and the zest and juice from the limes to make a marinade. When the lamb is cooked to an internal temperature of about 35-40 degrees Celsius, remove it from the pan to rest.

Then, fry the potatoes in the pan until they are lightly browned, about 30 minutes.

When the potatoes are almost done, cut the lamb crown into chops and marinate with half of the prepared marinade. When the potatoes are cooked, place them in a bowl and toss with the remaining marinade.

Then, fry the chops for about 2 minutes on each side.

Once cooked, set them aside, and place the potatoes in the middle of the pan and fry for about 5 minutes. The dish is now ready and can be garnished with fresh garlic shoots and rosemary, as well as a sprinkle of flaky salt.

If desired, you can add some halved carrots as shown in the picture.

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